Those who have been reading my blog for a while will remember that I spent some time overseas working on my final year design project (aka. undergraduate thesis). We finally got our (unofficial) official grade back and we did pretty good. In the interest of sharing the knowledge we gained (as well as showing what we did) I am posting our final report and code here.
Final report
The code was written to be used with the simulator that was supplied by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Since this simulator is not our property, it has not been posted. Hopefully the algorithms we used are understandable. If anyone has questions, feel free to contact me.
Entry 13
Hello everyone. I am now back home, safe and sound and readjusted to the time zone. I figure it is about time to post my final Budapest log entry, so here goes. Sorry for the wait! (Also, I have now posted pictures for Budapest Log Entry 12, so check those out if you haven’t yet. The pictures of Budapest Log Entry 10 are also now viewable without being registered.)
Entry 12 – May 22, 2010

A scale model of the central part of Budapest that appeared in the main BME building one day
Hey everyone. Here is another update. The notes I have been taking have slowly become less thorough and some days were completely omitted, so just assume not much interesting happened if a date is left out. Let’s get to it, shall we?
Note: I have not had a chance to add pictures to this post yet, but will be pretty busy for the next two weeks, so I thought I should post the text and the just get the pictures up when I can. Stay tuned for those.
Entry 11 – April 25, 2010
Well, it looks like I’m down to one update a month. Hopefully they aren’t getting too long for anyone who is reading. This post doesn’t cover everything to today’s date, but I will post again soon.
Entry 10 – March 21, 2010
Well, it appears it has been quite some time since I have updated this blog, so I will try to rewind the clock a bit and cover what has happened over the past few weeks. Here goes.